Thursday 26 January 2017

Can't keep calm...I'm having twins!!!

LOL! You can tell I'm not a professional blogger...who starts a post with LOL! It's just the only word I can use to describe the moment we found out that it wasn't 1 baby but actually 2 babies at the 3 month scan.

I was overcome by so much emotion at the same time that I'm sure my face looked a bit like Eddie Murphy when he got to America (which is what he wanted ) but realised that it was completely different to what he expected...
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Let me explain, this facial expression depicts joy, shock, anxiety and the reality that you are about to have 3 kids under the age of 2!!! The sonographer had to ask if I was alright and all I could muster was, MY MUM IS GOING TO KILL ME! My mum is both a twin herself (all of this is her fault) and a midwife (knows all the risks and horror stories etc.) so every time I opened my mouth to say, I'm definitely going to have twins one day, she would reply you have no idea how hard that will be, stop saying that! I was so adamant, I went on to say...if I don't have them naturally, I'll adopt them! At that point she probably chased me around with a wooden spoon to beat me up...simply because she knew twins would mean I would guilt her into looking after them for as long as possible!

Now Prince's reaction:
Image result for kanye west laughing

Grinning like a crazy person then laughing nervously then panicking. It was hilarious...went from no way that's amazing to crap, I need more money...I need a raise or a new job asap! Then back to laughter when he looked at my Eddie Murphy expression! Prince said from when we 1st got married that he wanted 6 kids minimum...yes all with me, he's not from Guyana! (Can't say the country I want to say or I will get cussed out by one of my closest friends.) In his head, we are 50% there but God knows 6 kids is not my portion.

Arianna was babbling away as usual, we couldn't understand a word...but I'm sure if we translated it she would be saying something like...that's not fair, I have to share my toys already!!! Ah well, baby girl suck it is not fair!

After all the jokes are said and done, this has always been my dream and I'm excited to start this new chapter...I know it will be hard work but it will be so worth it! Having twins makes me feel super special and God willing it won't be long till I have my bundles of joy in my arms. God may seem like he likes to play practical jokes with my life, but he has a plan and I trust it.

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