Saturday 25 July 2015

I look like a Black Shrek!!!

There's a lot of amazing things about being pregnant - another human is growing inside of's a miracle. Every time you feel the baby move, or in my baby's case kicking and punching feel the bond getting stronger. The scans where you can actually see the baby starting to take form are unreal and it makes you start thinking about the reality of having a child that you will be responsible for, for the rest of your life!

However, the symptoms of pregnancy are just butters!!! Most people will say I'm lucky because I didn't have any morning sickness at all. Most pregnant women suffer from nausea, vomiting, or both during their first trimester. Symptoms are usually worse in the morning, but they can continue all day long. Awkward!!! Imagine going to work and throwing up all over the place...not the one!

Now I'm not sure if this is karma...because of all the characters/animals I've compared my friends to over the years but pregnancy has changed the way I look! I have a gift...I can take a look at you and tell you what/who you look like. My closest friends have been compared to Pumba/Squirrels/Horses etc. they may deny it at 1st but they know its true. But why me??? Pregnancy has literally turned me into Shreks wife!

You may think it's not that deep...but it actually is! My nose has taken up half of my face and is showing no signs of slowing down...I've never had a small nose so I thought God will allow me...but no, the curse is real! #pregnancyhurts So my face is getting eaten up by my nose and so the rest of my face is now trying to compete! My cheeks, lips and eyes are all bulging out in the name of keeping all things equal. To make the whole situation worse I decided to go for a big curly hairstyle which I thought would distract everyone from the size of my face but instead it just makes me hot and sweaty which is just another thing I could do without!!!

I went to tell my mum my revelation about looking like Shrek because I thought she would comfort me as that is what mothers are supposed to do...But nope she was like, "that's exactly what you look like! And Prince walks, talks and eats like Shrek." She finished my whole life in one sentence. I went to go and have a lie down so the pain could subside but when I closed my eyes all I saw was my future family portrait:

Another annoying symptom I have is that I no longer sound like an 8 year old girl...I skipped a womanly voice and went straight to Morgan Freeman! There's so much bass in my voice that the room vibrates when I talk! I mean why do things like this happen to me...I also have the blackest neck in history and don't even get me started on the amount of hair growth in every place imaginable...lovely!

But in the voice of Morgan Freeman, "If all these ridiculous symptoms bring me one step closer to seeing my beautiful shrekified baby...let it be."

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